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Many peripherals, like printers are obvious needs.

Today's computers are designed to do so much more to improve both your productivity and your image!

You might not have considered the following peripherals and their functions:

Peripheral Function
Scanners Places text and images into the computer from documents to be changed and included in other electronic documents. It is possible to scan a text document have have its contents placed into a database, mailing list or other types of information systems. Graphics and photographs can be scanned and included in web pages, documents, flyers, brochures, etc.
Digital Cameras Like regular cameras, these take images that are designed for digital processing including storage on computers and use is documents. These are much like scanners, except that you can carry them with you where ever you go.
Video Cameras These devices take actual motion pictures. Their uses include creating computer movies, archives and recordings and support the "video phone" capability available on the Internet. You can even produce a movie and send it along with a document or e-mail.
Tape Backup For mass storage, tapes can't be beat. You can store a large amount of information in a very small space which can also be taken off-site to a secure location. Other benefits of tapes include the ability to schedule backups automatically (such as over night).
Removable Storage Many different formats of removable storage exist today including "Zip" disks, "Jaz" disks, "SuperDisks", and many more. These offer a convenient way to make a copy of larger amounts of information (usually 100 Mb and up) to take with you.
CD Towers Do you need access to many different CDs? For example, law firms often receive their updates to forms and libraries on CDs - often a number of them! CD Towers allow all of these CDs to be on-line at all times without the need to swap them each time.
RAID Disks This technology uses redundant, protected storage to provide high-speed, highly reliable data storage.
Functional Devices Telephone systems, e-mail and fax managers, web and e-mail servers all fall into this category.
Sound Systems Did you know that your computer can support all of the high-end sound systems available today? Audible feedback has come a long way from the simple speaker built into the computer to fully capable "surround sound" systems.
Security Systems Why not let your computers help secure your operations? Security entry systems and even wireless cameras are very inexpensive insurance.


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