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Computer Networks

Networks let you share information and computer resources.

Why buy a printer for each user? Networks allow your users to share their printers with everyone else or only specific users.

Need additional storage? Why not make better use of the storage you already have!

What about security? Do you need to protect sensitive information such as human resources, client lists or accounting information?

User's not backing up their work? Let a network backup system do it for them - AUTOMATICALLY!

Key Benefits

  •  Make better use of your system investment.
  •  Help to make your staff even more productive through collaboration.
  •  Shorten the response time for your clients.
  •  Access information from remote locations: home, other offices, etc.
  •  Better protect your information through security.

Network Types




  WAN - "Wide Area Network" Connects multiple networks together, letting users from any networks share other network's resources (based on security settings). Also allows distant users to access networks.
  LAN - "Local Area Network" Two or more computers tied together electronically to share resources. Usually located in the same general area.
  Wi-Fi - Wireless Wireless networking is the most exciting opportunity in networking today! Imagine being able to network your home or office without having to run wires through walls, ceilings, under floors or carpets!
  File-Server One main location for files, printers, modems, etc. that other users will share.
  Peer-To-Peer Computers linked together without a main controlling computer. All computers are at the same level - any can "serve" resources or use resources based on security settings.
  Hybrid These are combinations of different types of networks, sometimes even including different types of computer systems such as PCs, Macs, and mini-computers.

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