Item | Description |
WO # | Work order number |
WO Date | Date work order was issued |
Client | Client name, address, notes and contact information |
Tech | Primary technician performing work |
PickDt | Date work order picked by tech (or date assigned to tech). |
StartDt | Date work began |
CompDt | Date work completed |
Status | Current status of work order |
Contract | Client's contract number for this work order |
AppHrs | Approved hours for job (exceeding this requires approval) |
WorkHrs | Actual hours worked on job |
Appvd | Work order approved by |
StatDesc | Description of specific status conditions (ex: "waiting for parts"). |
Work Desc | A description of the job to be performed. The job "scope". |
Notes to Tech | Notes to technician about this particular work order, client and/or job. |
Tech Comments | Notes about this job from the tech performing the work. |